
Archive for November, 2011|Monthly archive page

Fresh Pasta

In Main meals, Pasta on November 18, 2011 at 3:43 am

This year for my birthday, I asked my parents for a pasta machine. Amazingly, I was rewarded with an Marcato Atlas! Very exciting stuff, and even though my birthday isn’t until mid December…..my mother and I couldn’t resist giving it a spin! So a couple of days ago I had my first crack at making fresh pasta. I opted for Fettucine as I figured it would be easier than spaghetti and my pasta machine only has the basic cutting attachments.

Here are a few photos of the process and end result. I didn’t photograph the first dish I made with my mum using the first batch of pasta – but I will tell you the sauce involved fresh parsley, cream, tuna, garlic, onion and mushrooms…..mmmmmm……

Today I enjoyed some for lunch with garlic infused olive oil and salt & pepper. Plain but delicious!

rolling out the dough

passing dough through the machine - getting cut into fettucine

more cutting

pasta drying on the pasta stand

fresh pasta with garlic infused oil + salt & pepper! MMMMM

Expect a lot more pasta related posts in the near future!

Coconut Macaroons

In Baking, Biscuits/Cookies on November 9, 2011 at 1:15 am

I have been wanting to make macroons or meringues for a while…so I thought I try these coconuts ones as coconut is so much cheaper than ground almonds. They didn’t turn out looking as beautiful as I could have hoped, but they were very tasty – a nice chewy texture and actually pretty light as far as sugar content goes! Mostly egg whites! 🙂

I think I need to find a better way of putting the mixture on the baking tray so that they have better shapes….these just flattened out to be like biscuits.

Also, I could resist putting in a photo of my coffee this morning – with a dollop of ice cream in it, mmmmmmmm….